Improving whistleblowing for finance

Save money and talent with Walor’s all-in-one whistleblowing solution

Why it’ a good idea?

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Research shows that businesses that have adopted adequate whistleblowing schemes benefit from a 2.8% increase in return on assets. By managing risks early with Walor you can also expect to see 46% less negative press, a 6.9% reduction in material lawsuits and a 20.4% decrease in settlements.

Incorporating a whistleblowing solution may not be new to a financial sector company, since many countries such as Denmark already have local legislation requiring the adoption of such a scheme. At the same, median reporting rates in the European financial industry come in at under 10%, and substantiation rates have dropped significantly from 2019 to 2020. Walor offers an all-in-one, user-friendly solution that can boost the capacity to deal with such issues.


Promote speak-up culture - Helps to create a positive company culture based on trust


Retain and attract talent - A robust whistleblowing solution contributes to a psychologically safe work environment


Increase productivity - Profit margins and productivity both increase when employees feel free to express concerns

What Walor does for you?

Walor offers finance companies a secure and confidential reporting platform, including the option to report anonymously. Our product includes two-factor authentication, is fully GDPR compliant and developed according to the Privacy by Design principle to ensure effective implementation of fundamental data protection principles. Walor does not apply tracking mechanisms on users, so our clients can rest assured that all data is kept where it should be. Visit our security page to find out more about how we keep you safe.

Walor supports the option of anonymous dialogue between the whistleblower and case handler. Finance companies gain access to our expert advisory, as well as an extensive partner network, ready to support case management in various ways. Find out more about the partner network here.